So, I am into my fourth week of full time employment and things are kind of settling into a routine that works for us..kind of ...most of the days :) My admiration for working women everywhere, which was generally high to begin with, has reached the zenith now !! This includes all the stay at home moms who manage everything at home and multitask like its nobody's business !
Now, getting down to business, this is what we had for lunch last week :)

On Monday, I packed Mac and Cheese in a large silicone cup, a half peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich, apple slices and a Biscoff cookie for a treat.
On Tuesday, lunch consisted of a grilled cheese sandwiches, apple slices and some Frito corn chips.
On Wednesday, it was a peanut butter jelly sandwich again, with some veggie pasta salad, apple slices, strawberries and a cookie.

On Thursday, I made Mac and Cheese again with some steamed broccoli drizzled with a little peanut butter. Apple slices and some chips and a cookie completed the lunch.
This is the exact same lunch that I packed for my 3 year old which he eats at his Montessori. I am not going to start posting the lunches that I pack for him but I just wanted to show off the cute 4 compartment Lock and Lock lunch box that I got for him :-) LG3 loves it, more food fits into it and he eats all of it with pleasure!
On Friday, I packed spicy Indian vermicelli noodles, apple slices, a Biscoff cookie and some potato chips.
Now I very rarely buy chips as a snack, but we happened to have some at home this week and so I let the kids have some with their lunch. Everything in moderation, thats what I say !
Hope you are seeing signs of the beginning of Spring and here's looking forward to the wonderful weather that's just around the corner!! Have a great week !
Now, getting down to business, this is what we had for lunch last week :)
On Monday, I packed Mac and Cheese in a large silicone cup, a half peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich, apple slices and a Biscoff cookie for a treat.
On Tuesday, lunch consisted of a grilled cheese sandwiches, apple slices and some Frito corn chips.
On Wednesday, it was a peanut butter jelly sandwich again, with some veggie pasta salad, apple slices, strawberries and a cookie.
On Thursday, I made Mac and Cheese again with some steamed broccoli drizzled with a little peanut butter. Apple slices and some chips and a cookie completed the lunch.
This is the exact same lunch that I packed for my 3 year old which he eats at his Montessori. I am not going to start posting the lunches that I pack for him but I just wanted to show off the cute 4 compartment Lock and Lock lunch box that I got for him :-) LG3 loves it, more food fits into it and he eats all of it with pleasure!
On Friday, I packed spicy Indian vermicelli noodles, apple slices, a Biscoff cookie and some potato chips.
Now I very rarely buy chips as a snack, but we happened to have some at home this week and so I let the kids have some with their lunch. Everything in moderation, thats what I say !
Hope you are seeing signs of the beginning of Spring and here's looking forward to the wonderful weather that's just around the corner!! Have a great week !