Although I have been late in climbing aboard this wagon, the bug has definitely bitten me. Don't get me wrong...I have always loved plants and gardening, but never before had I been presented with such an array of goodies to help the novice gardener ! I browsed the internet for all things 'garden', local gardening centers got a visit or two :) Armed with a little knowledge and a willingness to spend a little, I made a couple of purchases and have set them into the soil !
Here are a few things that I am hoping will take root in my garden !!

Needless to say, the plants seem to be doing well and have thrown up leaves.
The variety that I got were Ozark Everbearing strawberries.
I am supposed to pinch of all flowers that the plants bear until the 1st of July. Any blossoms setting after that date will be allowed to develop into fruits( Yummy ) watch this space for further developments !!!!

Blueberries : I love blueberries: the colour, the
taste, the cuteness( oh they are cute little bursts of sweetness and sunshine, don't you think ? ) And blueberries are easy to grow at home...they need good soil and regular watering and a little TLC :) and you are sure to get the fruits of your labour or so I have been assured by the numerous articles that I read !
So I went ahead and got myself a blueberry plant...its still a small it in a 4 inch pot ..I am sure it will take another year or so before it starts fruiting well, but nothing is rewarded like a little patience, right ?

Beauty of Moscow Lilac : Lilacs are considered to be one of the most beautiful and aromatic flowers that can be grown. I chanced upon a description of the beautiful blooms, heady aroma and enduring colour of this particular lilac hybrid and I was Sold ! I ordered the plant the next day !! I am hoping that I will not have to wait too long to experience the joy that these blooms will provide, although I am happy to observe that the dormant plant that I got from the online nursery seems to be thriving in its sunny spot in my front yard. Several healthy green leaves have sprouted from each of its tiny branches and seems to be just a matter of time and a little attention !

I would love to hear what you have planted in your garden space this spring. I could always use more information and motivation from other gardeners, experienced or otherwise ! Happy Gardening and may the grass always be greener on your side of the fence :-D