Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Harvest Monday - 06/14/2016

I am a day late again for this week's Harvest Monday. It wasn't a very fruitful week!! I harvested a big bunch of amaranth greens and shared them with a friend. A big bunch of  lemongrass stems also went along for company. My friend said that last year she had taken the lemongrass stems that I had shared, sliced the bulbs up thinly and dried them until all the moisture was gone. She had then powdered it and used it in her tea. I think I shall have a go at that and see if I can get some homemade lemongrass powder.
I also used up a few sorrel leaves and some spring onion greens from the garden. No pictures, however. But I am excited about a new purchase! I am now the proud parent of a Moringa plant!

I am not sure which kind of Moringa plant it is, the tag doesnt say. If you haven't heard of it before, then you can read all about this wonder plant here. Suffice it to say that the leaves of this plant are highly nutritious and the fruits or pods are edible as well. This is a very well known tree in India. Its known colloquially as drumstick and is relished as a seasonal specialty. I remember my father getting the long pods from the market. The leaves are used in stir fries and the pods are used in lentil stews. Recently, it has been hailed as a miracle plant and the western world is slowly discovering the benefits of this tree, which is native to the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. India is the largest producer of moringa. The leaves are the most nutritious part with high protein, Vit. A and Vit. C content. 
It is a very fast growing tree and since I am not sure if it will survive the winters here, I will keep it as a container plant. All information suggests that keeping the plant in the container and pruning it off regularly will keep it at manageable heights. There is already new growth at the tips and I will probably move it to a bigger container soon. I am wary about transplant shock and am wondering if I should let the plant remain in this container until the stem has thickened a little bit more. Any advice?
For more productive gardens this week, do visit the Harvest Monday roundup at OurHappyAcres.



  1. I have never heard of the moringa before. I do grow lemongrass here, though I haven't tried drying it. I have been digging a plant up and potting it up to bring inside for the winter.

  2. Anonymous6:52 PM CDT

    Like Dave I have never heard of moringa, will google to learn more. If you carefully lift the moringa plant without disturbing the roots there should not be any transplant shock.


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